Embracing the Limitless: Moving from Growth to Multiplication in 2025

As we step into 2025, many of us have already made (and possibly broken) our New Year's resolutions. These goals typically focus on growth - expanding what we already have or improving what already exists. But what if God is calling us to something bigger? What if, instead of just growing, we're meant to multiply?

In a powerful message delivered across the global Freedom Church network, Pastor Dave Thomas challenged us to embrace "Limitless" as more than just a catchy theme. Drawing from Genesis 1, he unveiled a profound truth: God's natural order isn't just about growth; it's about multiplication. This principle is woven into the very fabric of creation, from the way cells divide to build our bodies, to how God separated the waters to create space for new life.

The distinction between growth and multiplication is crucial. Growth makes existing things larger, while multiplication creates something entirely new. It's the difference between a business getting bigger and a business launching new ventures that impact new communities. It's the difference between a church filling more seats and a church sending out teams to plant new congregations.

Pastor Dave shared his family's personal journey of leaving their comfortable life in the UK to plant Courageous Church in Charleston. They had to create space - what he calls "God gaps" - by letting go of security, community, and certainty. This wasn't just about growing their ministry; it was about multiplying God's kingdom in a new place. Within ten months, what started with knowing just two people has multiplied into a thriving community of faith.

But multiplication requires something of us. We must:

1. Have a vision beyond ourselves - looking past our own comfort and preferences

2. Think generationally - considering the impact our decisions will have long after we're gone

3. Practice letting go - releasing control, attitudes, and sometimes even good things to make room for God's best

4. Take risks and create space - stepping out in faith when God calls

The message reminds us of the promise in Ephesians 3:20 that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." This isn't just about personal success or achievement; it's about allowing God's limitless nature to work through our limited humanity.

As we navigate 2025, the challenge before us is clear: Will we settle for growth, or will we embrace multiplication? Will we contain what God has given us, or will we create space for Him to do something new? The choice to multiply often feels risky, uncomfortable, and sometimes even foolish by worldly standards. But as Pastor Dave reminded us, living a limitless life isn't about our capacity - it's about God's.


Perhaps it's time to stop asking God to bless what we're doing and instead ask Him what He's blessing and join Him there. After all, true blessing isn't just a state of being - it's God's creative power infused into our lives, enabling us to multiply His kingdom in ways we never thought possible.

What space is God asking you to create in 2025? What risk is He inviting you to take? Remember, when we make space for God, He always fills it with life - though it may look different than we expected.


Going from Limited to Limitless


Limitless: Choosing God's Presence Over Knowledge in 2025