From Storm to Shore: The Fearless Exchange Jesus Offers

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a storm, straining against the waves with no land in sight? Perhaps it's not a literal storm, but those overwhelming circumstances that leave you exhausted, afraid, and wondering if you'll ever reach the shore. This week at Courageous Church, Pastor Dave launched a powerful new series called "Fearless" that speaks directly to those moments.

The series began with a fascinating insight: we're only born with two innate fears—loud noises and falling. Every other fear we experience is conditioned, which means it's also conditional. And if it's conditional, there's nothing conditional about our God that He cannot overcome.

Can you become fearless

Using the story of Jesus walking on water from Matthew 14, Pastor Dave unpacked three profound truths about becoming fearless.

First, Jesus will intentionally lead us into situations that scare us. When Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat and cross to the other side while He dismissed the crowds, He knew exactly what was coming—a violent storm that would terrify them. Why? Because Jesus knows that the only way through fear is exactly that—through it. Sometimes what we think is the devil's attack or our own mistake might actually be Jesus' idea to free us from something deeper.

Second, Jesus is always on time, even when His timing doesn't match ours. The scripture specifically mentions Jesus came to the disciples "in the fourth watch of the night"—between 3-6 AM, the final military watch of the Romans. Throughout scripture, God's most significant moves often happen in this fourth watch. When you're in your darkest hour, remember that Jesus hasn't forgotten you—He's right on time.

invite Jesus into our storms

Third, we must invite Jesus into our storms. The text reveals a surprising detail—Jesus "would have passed them by" if they hadn't cried out. Our invitation matters. And when Peter dared to say, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water," something remarkable happened. For a few moments, Peter experienced the impossible—walking on water.

Yes, Peter eventually sank when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves. But Pastor Thomas emphasized a critical point: Peter didn't fail; he learned. His brief water-walking experience didn't end his story—it was just the beginning of his journey to becoming the rock upon which Christ would build His church.

Jesus has power to take you from storm to shore

The most powerful moment came when Pastor Dave highlighted that immediately after Jesus got into the boat, they reached their destination. In an instant, Jesus took them from storm to shore. This supernatural acceleration reminds us that while some fears require a process to overcome, Jesus has the power to deliver us immediately.

The service concluded with communion, a powerful reminder that on the cross, Jesus already declared, "It is finished." Our deepest fears, anxieties, and pain were nailed to that cross 2,000 years ago.

As we begin this "Fearless" journey, the invitation is clear: What's your faith step this week? Where is Jesus asking you to get out of the boat? Every step toward Him is a step away from fear—and the beginning of an exchange only Jesus can offer: fear for faith.


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